A Few of My Favorite Things

If you somehow didn't know me, hi. I'm Brandi, and I write upmarket women's fiction novels. I love crafting emotionally engaging, evocative stories that feature female survivors of trauma - because I'm a trauma survivor myself, and I'm living life with all the complications of complex PTSD. I'm also a single mom edging my way into empty nesting; my twenty-year old moved out this year, and my fifteen year old is getting closer to adulthood every day! This has its perks, and of course, it also has its downfalls. To top it all off, I'm disabled. I have a rare form of spina bifida, which includes a host of other symptoms and conditions.

I serve actively at my church, leading a small group of beautiful students; ever so slowly, they're leaving girlhood behind in favor of the strong, confident women I hope they will someday be. And when I'm not doing all that other stuff, I'm proud to serve as a Stephen Minister, standing in to coach and encourage women walking through some of life's most difficult moments.

So with all that going on, it's no surprise that I've had a few people ask me how I manage my busy life.

The truth is, I mostly get by on rock-solid faith in Christ, determined belief in my dreams for the future...and extreme caffeination.

With all that said, I thought it would be fun to share a few of the tools I use daily to keep my life running in a mostly-organized manner. I don't have a ton of money so I live on a budget, and I know most people do too - but I also want to feel like I've lived well, which I'm sure we all have in common. 

It takes a lot to get me to back a product or company, and I hope as we get to know each other, you'll trust that I wouldn't share something I don't truly believe in. So without further ado, these are a few of my favorite things. (And for the sake of transparency, product links on this page are Amazon Associate links; as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Photos used to create the images below are from Amazon and are not my own.)

1: Strike Force Energy

This is the drink to beat all drinks. Not too sweet, not too sour, and it comes in different flavors (although I prefer the original). It's zero calories and sugar free, which I love because I'm still desperately holding onto being the last non-diabetic left in my family. It travels well, mixes with any drink, and keeps this busy mom moving even through the worst of brain fog and exhaustion.

2: Weighted Infinity Hoop

Despite my busy life, my disabilities limit my activity to almost nothing some days, and I don't get to be the kind of workout junkie I'd like to be. I'm also a plus-sized woman, but I care about my health and I do the best I can to take care of my miracle body, which is where the weighted hoop comes in. I wanted one for ages but never made the leap of purchasing for a variety of reasons - and then I got one this year as a birthday gift, and it's truly one of my favorite things! It's not painful, it's quick and simple to get the hang of, and it's a great way to get my heart pumping and my body moving whenever time and health allow. (It's also great that since it's adjustable, it'll fit just about any waistline - I even share mine with my daughter sometimes!)

3: My Discbound Planner

I use the calendar app on my phone for scheduling on the go because let's face it, who leaves the house without their phone these days? But for the management that keeps my life running, I use a discbound half-letter paper planner, and I stock it with these undated week-on-two-page inserts. They're simple and easy to use, and I like that since they aren't dated I can start or stop anytime - or even take a break when I need to. I also use the basic ruled inserts for note-taking (same link).

4: My Wallet

I'm a mom, so for years I've carried a massive card wallet with about a million pockets, stuffed with ID cards, insurance cards, loyalty cards...just all the cards. But with my oldest hitting adulthood, moving out, and taking all her cards with her, I finally get to downsize! I needed a smaller wallet, and this is the smaller version of the one I've loved for years; it's got RFID protection, and since it's from the same company, so I've got high hopes for durability, convenience, and functionality. It seems like such a small thing, but my wallet goes everywhere and plays a huge part in keeping my life organized, so I thought I'd share it with you guys! 

Make sure you check back now and then - these products could change, or I might fall in love with something new. You never know; it might just the thing you were looking for.