Sunday, March 24, 2024

You Know a Dream is Like a River...

...ever changing as it flows. And the dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes, trying to learn from what's behind you, and never knowing what's in store...

Dreams are funny, aren't they? Always changing, adapting, adjusting. Mine has been the same since fifth grade - I dreamed of one day holding a book in my hands, looking down at my name on the cover. I dreamed that I would grow up to be a storyteller.

The dream has changed though, flowing with and following the course of my life. I wrote less when my children were suffering chronic health problems and needed to be the forefront of my focus. I wrote less when their dad and I split up, and I needed my focus and energy to be on healing myself, guiding my kids, and creating a home they could feel safe and loved in. But even during that quiet time in my life, words never stopped flowing through my mind; I took notes on my phone, wrote little scenes that came to mind during the course of my day, mapped out novels still unwritten.

Now that there's room again and my life is opening up to allow for my own dreams to flow a little more freely, I am happier than I have been in years, writing away whenever I can fit in the time between appointments and other obligations. This is the beginning of how my dream became "the plan."

Here's where we stand: FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM is thisclose to finished. I read through it this past week with a friend (who cried, laughed, and loved all the characters just as much as I knew she would) but still managed to find a few remaining errors despite having edited this work umpty-bazillion times. I'm going through and fixing those hopefully by the end of which point, I will update all of my graphics to reflect the plan progressing to part two of the largest, most intimidating project I've ever attempted.

Which means I'd better get to it. In the meantime, what dream is flowing through the landscape of your life? Tell me about it in the comments!

*song lyric from "The River," Garth Brooks


  1. Elizabeth HamlinMay 5, 2024 at 3:36 PM

    I have always loved animals of many different kinds especially monkeys and as a child I had dreamed of possibly becoming a zoo keeper .

    1. I love animals too, especially monkeys! Gorillas are my absolute favorite.


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